03/30/2022 – BOD Meeting Minutes


42749 HIGHWAY 27
WEDNESDAY, MARCH 30, 2022 2:00PM
call in (audio only) 321-754-9506
Phone Conference ID: 926 579 629#

I. Call to Order: Meeting called to order at 2:00PM. Ricky Lester, Brian Grim, Emily Braden
and Brad Scott attended in-person and Bob Landriault attended virtually. Rebecca Bray
was present and acted as Recording Secretary.

II. Approval of Meeting Minutes 2.25.2022: Motion by Ricky Lester to approve the prior
meeting minutes from 2.25.2022. Brian Grim seconds the motion. All in favor, motion
passes unanimously.

III. Management Report: Motion by Ricky Lester to approve the Management Report. Brian
Grim seconds the motion. All in favor, motion passes unanimously.

IV. Unfinished Business

a. Clubhouse Vote Update: Ricky Lester reported that the survey presented on the
website was neck and neck on the survey. Byrd Mathis confirmed that
shareholders with two lots were unable to vote twice, as lot numbers had to be
removed. So, vote is not accurate. Chuck Redfern stated that if they come up
with a cheaper version, he would consider voting yes. Board wants to move
forward with the proxy vote. Manager to obtain update from Attorney Ruggieri.

b. Additional Streetlights Update: Bob Landriault reported that the six lights will be
installed soon. The same poles and lights will be installed with diffusers or
deflectors. If that doesn’t work, then all heads can be changed to 35 watts, if
necessary. Board agrees that if Duke Energy shows up, they need to provide
their solutions in-writing.

c. Stock Certificate Update: Manager reported that Ruggieri Law Firm is now
handling the issuance of all share certificates. Motion by Bob Landriault to survey
membership regarding dissolving the Cooperative and create a POA. No second
on the motion. Motion dies.
Sandy Rempfer stated that the shareholders need an explanation of what a
Cooperative is. Brian Grim recommended a simplified letter to send to the
shareholders about what a Cooperative is. Ricky Lester confirmed that type of
correspondence should come from the attorney.

d. Boundary/Isolation Fence Guidelines: The Board agreed to allow fences with
restrictions. Ricky Lester wrote guidelines and included that Polk County
requirements must be met. Ricky sent the recommended guidelines to the Board
for review, but there was no input from the Board. Dale St. Clair confirmed that
the Rules & Regulations were put out years ago. Fanny Thomas suggested that
shrubs would be better than fences. Brian Grimm motions to table the decision
and add a survey for the shareholders on the website. Ricky Lester seconds the
motion. Emily Branden and Brad Scott in favor. Bob Landriault votes against
survey. Motion passes.

e. Proposal from Laundry Leasing Co: Laundry Leasing agreed to the changes on
the contract, so that the Cooperative never has to pay for the machines if the
income collected is not enough. Motion by Bob Landriault to approve the
contract. Brad Scott seconds the motion. All in favor, motion passes
unanimously. MacGray (CSC) contract to be terminated for lack of service.

f. Proposal from Republic Trash: Bob Landriault reported that Republic lowered
their contract price to collect door to door and supply trash receptacles that are 1
foot in circumference. Bob Landriault motions to approve the trash collection
contract. No one seconds the motion. Motion dies.

g. Petty Cash Checking Account Update: The petty cash bank account has been
opened. Waiting on checks from the bank to be delivered.
h. Complaint Form Protocol: Board questioned about how the response follow up is
handled. Brad Scott said the complaint form can be responded to be one
individual and sent to owner, but the Board should agree on a response and
allow only one person to respond.

i. Violations and Disciplinary Actions:

j. 55+ Community Since the Cooperative has been established in 2006, the BOD
has always maintained the one of the two prospective shareowners must be 55
of age. The other if under 55 but over 40 falls within the 20% allowed. If this
practice is to change, I propose that (1) we inquire with other parks within Deer
Creek on their practice and (2) put it to a vote of all RR shareowners prior to
make a change to a long-standing practice

k. Update on Reserve Study/GAB Robins: GAB Robins have merged and are now
called Sedgewick. No one is returning the call, so manager is obtaining quotes
from other reserve study companies.

l. AAA Asphalt Road Repairs: Clettus from AAA Asphalt said the work in the
community is completed and no further issues will be addressed. Work finalized.

V. Owners Forum: Jerry Robinson complained about a dilapidated trailer in the lot next door to
him, and someone living out of a shed.
Gloria Kotska complained about an RV being parked too close, which is not adhering to
setback guidelines.

VI. Adjournment: Brian Grimm motions to adjourn. Brad Scott seconds the motion. All in favor,
meeting adjourns at 4:17PM

Copyrighted All Rights Reserved 2024 Deer Creek Golf and Tennis RV Resort, Phase Two A Florida Cooperative Corporation