02/25/2022 – BOD Meeting Minutes


42749 HIGHWAY 27
FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 2022 11:00AM
call in (audio only) 321-754-9506
Phone Conference ID: 927 967 161#

Attendees: Ricky Lester, President, Brian Grim, Vice President, Emily Braden,
Treasurer, Brad Scott, Secretary, and Bob Landriault, Director, in-person and
virtually. Rebecca Bray was present and acted as Recording Secretary.
Shareholders were present in-person and virtually.

Rebecca Bray called the meeting to order at 11:00AM.
Approval of the Meeting Minutes: Ricky Lester motioned, Emily Braden seconded, to
approve the minutes of the January 26, 2022 Board Meeting. Motion passed unanimously.
Manager’s Report: Manager’s Report is attached.

Unfinished Business

1. Clubhouse vote: Assigned to Bob Landriault and Ricky Lester. Scheduled to
speak with Attorney Ruggieri on March 1st. Ricky Lester and Bob Landriault to participate
on the call.

2. Installation of lower power lights on existing/new streetlights: Assigned to Bob
Landriault, who has already been working with Duke Energy. Reassigned to Brian Grim,
who reported that there is currently no timeline. Hoping to get this accomplished in March.
However, only 50 watt LED lights are available. Received complaints about lights being
too bright. Mr Arnold contacted Ricky Lester in early February and during that phone
call, he inquired about other lighting options. Mr. Arnold could only offer the option of
adding deflectors to the current and additional lights but they would still be the 50 watt
LED lights.

3. Property Improvements/Fence Guidelines: Assigned to Ricky Lester. Current
guidelines are no fences over 36” high, but no height limit on plants. Ricky Lester suggests
allowing fences, but limiting type and height. Motion by Bob Landriault to rewrite
guidelines, Ricky Lester seconds the motion. All in favor, motion passes unanimously.

4. Stock certificate update: Scheduled call with Attorney Ruggieri for Tuesday,
March 1st. Ricky Lester and Bob Landriault to participate.

5. Petty Cash Checking Account: Manager confirmed that1099’s cannot be created
if workers paid through petty cash. Board agrees to lower approved petty cash from
$5,000 to $1,500. Paperwork signed by Brad Scott and Ricky Lester.

6. Job Descriptions, hours and pay rate: Brad Scott motioned that the cleaning
employees work the same hours in summer and winter, and that their hourly rate be raised
to $15 per hour. Emily Braden seconds the motion. All in favor, motion passes

7. Reserve for new Utility Vehicle: Assigned to Brad Scott to review quotes. Brad
reported that a vehicle with a trailer tow is the most economical and will last longer. A club
car runs $14,500 and up, and John Deere 560E runs $11,000. Someone said Lowe’s has
a club car for $9,000. Brad to do more research.

8. Updating Entrance Cosmetics, new landscaping, refresh RR sign: Assigned to
Brad Scott to obtain quotes. Ricky Lester e-mail Samantha Jewell in the main Deer Creek
office to determine who owns the entrance area. Deer Creek confirmed that the entrance
sign only belongs to Regal Ridge and the roadway. The rest belongs to Deer Creek.

9. Property ownership at dead end: Assigned to Rebecca Bray to send to Ruggieri
Law Firm. Some shareholders claim that Fawn Ridge owns the land. Some discrepancy
on the Polk County Property Appraiser’s website and Attorney Ruggieri to confirm.

10. AAA Asphalt Road Repairs: The Board confirmed that all work has been

11. Washers & Dryers: Board requested that owners report all problems by calling
the number on the wall. Maybe make this the responsibility of the cleaning employees.

12. Meeting Minutes posted on website: Manager to provide meeting minutes within
5 days so that they can be posted on website.

13. Sentry Timelines: Manager explained that some issues are held up by the
vendors, such as Amerigas, but will work on completing work in a quicker timeline.

14. Proposal from Laundry of Florida: bob Landriault reviewed a proposal offering
five new large capacity washers and dryers. Would result in a loss of less than a couple
hundred dollars. Board to consider.

15. Proposal from Republic Trash: Bob Landriault negotiated a new offer to save
approximately $5,400 per year to have 35 gallon containers picked up twice per week at
$27,600 per year. Board to consider.

16. Reserve Study/GAB Robbins: GAB Robbins is now called Sedgewick.
Requested a quote. Manager also, requested a quote from Association Reserves.

Owners Forum:
Shareholders thanked Emily Braden for replacing the flags at the entrance.
Sandy Rempfer thanked the Board for keeping the shareholders informed.
220 Broken Woods complained that the landscapers are blowing leaves onto their lot.
Manager to contact Herren Landscaping.

Board accomplishments:
Volunteered to collect trash until a replacement employee is found.
New pool cover.
Propane heat for pool filled.
Sprinklers repaired.
New shed installed.
Power washed pool deck.
Determined entrance ownership.

Action Items:
Manager and 2 Board Members to speak with Attorney Ruggieri on March 1st regarding
the clubhouse vote, share certificates and affidavits for lost certificates.
Manager to follow up on Reserve Study quotes.
Manager to provide Meeting Minutes.
Manager to contact Herren Landscaping regarding issues.
Manager to upgrade independent contractors to $15 per hour.
Adjournment: Emily Braden motions; Brian Grim seconds, to adjourn the meeting at
1:11PM. Motion passed unanimously

Copyrighted All Rights Reserved 2024 Deer Creek Golf and Tennis RV Resort, Phase Two A Florida Cooperative Corporation